Oz VeGaon Tourism Town Plan


Ginot HaMelachim




305,000 sqm



At the heart of Gush Etzion sits the unpopulated hill of “Oz VeGaon” in a British Mandatory forest with an area of 305 dunams (305,000 sqm).

The Gush Etzion Regional Council asked our office to prepare a Town Plan to allow for tourism in this location.

Together with the client, we developed a program including open areas in the forest for camping, extreme bike riding, and ODT activities.

In the unforested areas, we designed 10,000 sqm of hotel and conference center looking out over the breathtaking valley views.

In the saddle between the two hills of the site, we designed an institutional building for the regional council to include sports facilities and other services for the local residents.

Next to the forest, we placed a further learning center for local youth and visiting tourists.

The entire plan creates a comprehensive tourism center for the area and provides facilities for the local residents.